Beth Hermes

A Novel Approach

ONLINE via Live Video

*You don't have to be writing a NOVEL to enjoy A NOVEL APPROACH!


A Novel Approach – Mondays

ONLINE via Live Video

* You don't have to be writing a NOVEL to enjoy A NOVEL APPROACH!


FLASH FICTION Workshop October 3

ONLINE via Live Video

"But that was before..." is the topic for our final FLASH FICTION workshop of 2020.
3-hour workshop with prompts, instruction, and publication of your work!


A Novel Approach

ONLINE via Live Video

*You don't have to be writing a NOVEL to enjoy A NOVEL APPROACH!


A Novel Approach – Mondays

ONLINE via Live Video

*You don't have to be writing a NOVEL to enjoy A NOVEL APPROACH!


3-Night Write Workshop (virtual)

ONLINE via Live Video

While stories don't always require a plan, they do require three things: a Beginning, a Middle, and an End. This 3-night workshop will help you understand what's needed in each part, and help you fulfill your writing goals.


A Novel Approach

ONLINE via Live Video

*You don't have to be writing a NOVEL to enjoy A NOVEL APPROACH!


A Novel Approach – Mondays

ONLINE via Live Video

*You don't have to be writing a NOVEL to enjoy A NOVEL APPROACH!


Start NaNoWriMo Right!

Your first 3,000 words.
Whether you're participating in NaNoWriMo or simply diving into a writing project, this 2-hour workshop will help you start strong and stay focused.

A Novel Approach

ONLINE via Live Video

*You don't have to be writing a NOVEL to enjoy A NOVEL APPROACH!


NaNoWriMo Creative Writing Boot Camp

ONLINE via Live Video

Reach your daily word-count goals for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) - or any other writing project you're working on. Join us Boot Camp!


A Novel Approach – Mondays

ONLINE via Live Video

* You don't have to be writing a NOVEL to enjoy A NOVEL APPROACH!
