Beth Hermes

Flash Fiction – Mystery & Suspense

ONLINE via Live Video

Mystery & Suspense is the theme. Writers working together to create an anthology is amazing fun!


A Novel Approach – Mondays

ONLINE via Live Video

You don’t have to be writing a novel to enjoy A NOVEL APPROACH!


Write Down (stories) on the Farm!

Red Belly Farm Canton

"Planting Seeds of Stories" - think of your writing as a seed that needs to be planted in the right environment so it can thrive and grow.
3-6 pm


Write Down (stories) on the Farm!

Red Belly Farm Canton

"Harvesting Stories" - once planted, stories grow, often in a direction we couldn't have imagined. This workshop will help you learn the skills to "pick and prune" your story into the tale you hope to tell.
3-6 pm


Write Down (stories) on the Farm!

Red Belly Farm Canton

"Light A Fire" - there's something about a bonfire that makes our imaginations crackle!
4-7 pm


A Novel Approach

ONLINE via Live Video

*You don't have to be writing a NOVEL to enjoy A NOVEL APPROACH!


A Novel Approach – Mondays

ONLINE via Live Video

*You don’t have to be writing a novel to enjoy A NOVEL APPROACH!


A Novel Approach

ONLINE via Live Video

*You don't have to be writing a NOVEL to enjoy A NOVEL APPROACH!


A Novel Approach – Mondays

ONLINE via Live Video

* You don't have to be writing a NOVEL to enjoy A NOVEL APPROACH!


FLASH FICTION Workshop October 3

ONLINE via Live Video

"But that was before..." is the topic for our final FLASH FICTION workshop of 2020.
3-hour workshop with prompts, instruction, and publication of your work!
